Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Benjamin's Birthday...

Benjamin's Birthday...
Do I look "cute"?

Sitting up all by myself...

Sitting up all by myself...
See my proud face....

The Day I'm known as Xavier Matthias

The Day I'm known as Xavier Matthias
Father Lau praised me for not crying..I'm a brave boy...

Chloe....and Me....

Chloe....and Me....
Dun be scare of me...I'm a nice boy you know...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Confinement rules...and more...

27th June 2008

For once, I was glad that I did not engaged any confinement lady as it will definitely be a waste of money. There seems to be endless rules for a new mother to abide by. Must eat food laced with cooked with liver and kidney(NO WAY!!) showering....etc etc etc....and I followed NONE of them....But there were moments when I wished I have additional help as I do not wish to tire my mum out too much...especially someone to help Xavier bathe. He still hates bathing and hearing him crying his lungs out hurt me so much. I thought babies are supposed to love water..since they were living in a bag of water for practically 10 months...or did I use the wrong technique and made him uncomfortable?

Tried breastfeeding again but again was rendered unsucessful John suggested that I signed up for the post-nantal class tomorrow at the polyclinic when we bring Xavier for his second jaundice check up..Maybe I should just give it a try.

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